Archiwalna Strona Powiat Myśliborski
Z uwagi na kwarantannę pracowników Wydziału Komunikacji w Myśliborzu, wszelkie podania/wnioski należy wrzucać do przygotowanej urny, która znajduje się przy wejściu do budynku Starostwa Powiatowego przy ul. Północnej...


Miasto i Gmina Barlinek

barlinek ul. Niepodległości 20
74-320 Barlinek
tel. 95 746 55 40

Gmina Boleszkowice

boleszkowice ul. Świerczewskiego 24
74-407 Boleszkowice
tel. 95 760 61 24

Miasto i Gmina Myślibórz

mysliborz Rynek im. Jana Pawła II 1
74-300 Myślibórz
tel. 95 747 20 61

Miasto i Gmina Dębno

debno ul. J.Piłsudskiego 5
74-400 Dębno
tel. 95 760 30 02

Gmina Nowogródek Pomorski

nowogrdek pomorski ul. A. Mickiewicza 15
74-304 Nowogródek Pomorski
tel. 95 747 17 60


The myśliborski administrative district almost in full area is situated in the Myśliborskie Lake District which stretches from the river Odra to the Upper Płonia. The scenery of the administrative district shapes the hummocky ridgeof terminal moraine, seldom exceeding the height of 100 m above the sea level. The highest eminence named Długogóra reaches 115 m and is found south-west of Czerników. The scenery is diversified by beautiful, large lakes. In the myśliborski district are over 40 lakes (above 10 ha) with a total area of 2,600 ha. The greatest and deepest from all of them is the Lake Myśliborskie (area of 617.7 ha and depth of maximum 22.3 m) and next are: 1. Barlineckie 267.6 ha 2. Sitno 185.9 ha 3. Łubie 160.3 ha 4. Karskie Great 150.7 ha 5. Golenicko - Dobropolskie 109.3 ha 6. Ostrowieckie 107.4 ha 7. Ulejno 84.3 ha 8. Sulimierskie Duże 77.6 ha 9. Czernikowskie 71.3 ha In the district start three rivers: the Myśla (the right inflow of the Odra river), the Kosa (the right inflow of the Myśla) and the Płonia (the right inflow of the Odra river). The longest of them - Myśla flows through the myśliborski district almost in full lenght. The length 95.6 km, the area of the river-basin - 1,334 sq km. It flows into the Odra not far from the village Chlewice. Greatest forest- complexes in the district are: The Barlinecka forest and forest-complex near Dębno. Forests consist 41.6% the area the district, what comparatively to the national average (27.8%) is a very large afforestation.



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Archiwalna Strona