Archiwalna Strona Powiat Myśliborski
Z uwagi na kwarantannę pracowników Wydziału Komunikacji w Myśliborzu, wszelkie podania/wnioski należy wrzucać do przygotowanej urny, która znajduje się przy wejściu do budynku Starostwa Powiatowego przy ul. Północnej...


Miasto i Gmina Barlinek

barlinek ul. Niepodległości 20
74-320 Barlinek
tel. 95 746 55 40

Gmina Boleszkowice

boleszkowice ul. Świerczewskiego 24
74-407 Boleszkowice
tel. 95 760 61 24

Miasto i Gmina Myślibórz

mysliborz Rynek im. Jana Pawła II 1
74-300 Myślibórz
tel. 95 747 20 61

Miasto i Gmina Dębno

debno ul. J.Piłsudskiego 5
74-400 Dębno
tel. 95 760 30 02

Gmina Nowogródek Pomorski

nowogrdek pomorski ul. A. Mickiewicza 15
74-304 Nowogródek Pomorski
tel. 95 747 17 60


In the myśliborski administrative district is located The Barlinecko - Gorzowski Landscape Park with the area of 20,285 ha. It was formed in 1991 to protect and maintain the scenery of the environment, cultural, natural and didactic values. In the Boleszkowice commune is a part of The Landscape Park "Ujście Warty". The purpose of this park is to protect and preserve natural scenery of the valleys of two rivers: Warta and Odra nearby upland. In the park is the Natural-Scenery Complex "Porzecze". It was established in 1992 and has an area of 142.74 ha. It was founded to protect and preserve exceptionally precious fragments of the natural scenery. In the district are 7 sanctuaries: "Markowe Błota (Muds)" - partial, ornithological with an area of 193.40 ha - it protects breeding grounds of over 40 kinds of birds (American eagle, the osprey, the black stork). "Tchórzyno" - partial, peaty area of 32 ha - protects the peatbog in the lacustrine chalk, with very rich and rare vegetation and overgrowing lake with under-water meadows. "Cisy Boleszkowickie" - partial, woodland area of 9.38 ha - protects 439 yews in different age from young plovers to old ripe trees. "Długogóry" - partial, 120.36 ha - protects the unique and varied morainal scenery and the Pomeranian beach of natural character. "Skalisty Jar Libberta (The rocky Canyon Libberta)" - partial, landscape sanctuary with an area of 33,21 ha - it protects morainal upland on which appear calcareous rocks , conglomerates of sandstones and erratic blocks up to 4 metres height. "Jeziora Jasne (The Bright Lake)" - partial, floristic sanctuary of 3.10 ha - protects a complex of water plants. "Czapli Ostrów" - partial, ornithological area of 16.45 ha - protects the colony grey herons and cormorants. Apart from parks and reservations there are alaso many monuments of the nature. They are mostly trees such as the oak, the lime-tree, the beech, rarely the nests the eagle, the black stork, erratic blocks, sandy rocks. Speaking about the nature one cannot omit post court parks that were found in the area in 18th and 19th century. Most from them are registered into ancient monuments index. One should pay extra attention to parks in Derczewo, Karsko, Dolsku, Golenice, Smolnica.



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